The crow who seesOnline education for data science, what should I keep in mind?Photo by RDNE Stock project: 24, 2023Dec 24, 2023
The crow who seesGestão de Projetos nos Cuidados de SaúdeFiz aqui um sumário dos principais pontos a considerar na Gestão de Projetos nos Cuidados de Saúde, com base em minha experiência em mais…Feb 3, 2021Feb 3, 2021
The crow who seesEmotions in online educationOver the past ten years, digital transformation has advanced strongly in all sectors. In the field of education, numerous online courses…Feb 26, 2021Feb 26, 2021
The crow who seesPreparing for job interviewDo you need to prepare for a job interview? Well, I passed through some job interviews in the past, and sometimes I had the opportunity to…May 24, 2021May 24, 2021
The crow who seesBeware of self-referencingOf course, we can reference our own work when we are preparing a scientific text, but some care must be taken. To do so excessively and for…Jun 1, 2021Jun 1, 2021
The crow who seesCollaboration, a possible path?Imagine for a moment a primary care health unit, with its corridors full of people circulating, dozens of health professionals, from…Sep 5, 2023Sep 5, 2023
The crow who seesPrincipais características do assistente de telemarketingTenho trabalhado como assistente de vendas em um call center no setor das telecomunicações há um ano e seis meses. Trata-se de um ambiente…Oct 10, 2023Oct 10, 2023